
From Glottopedia
Revision as of 20:09, 2 February 2013 by MRiessler (talk | contribs) (starting to write explanations how the infobox is used, some more chenges in the actual box)
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Autoglottonym: {{{Autoglottonym}}}
Pronunciation: {{{Pronunciation}}}
Ethnologue name: {{{Ethn15name}}}
OLAC name: {{{OLACname}}}
WALS name: {{{WALSname}}}
WALS location: {{{WALSLoc}}}
Family: {{{Family}}}
Genus: {{{Genus}}}
Country: {{{Country}}}
Official in: {{{OfficialLg}}}
Speakers: {{{Speakers}}}
Writing system: {{{WritingSyst}}}
ISO 639-1: {{{ISO1}}}
ISO 639-2: {{{ISO2B}}} {{{ISO2T}}}
ISO 639-3: {{{ISO3}}}
WALS: {{{WALScode}}}

The Template:InfoboxLanguage is used in language articles to display details about single languages as a right-side infobox. It can be stacked with other infoboxes.


|Language         =
|Autoglottonym    =
|Pronunciation    =
|Ethn15name       =
|OLACname         =
|WALSname         =
|WALSLoc          = 
|Family           =
|Genus            =
|Country          =
|OfficialLg       =
|Speakers         =
|WritingSyst      =
|ISO              =
|ISO2B            =
|ISO2T            =
|ISO3             =
|WALScode         =
| Language = Name of language (defaults to page name)
| Autoglottonym =
| Pronunciation = Pronunciation of the autoglottonym (in IPA)
| Ethn15name = Name of the language used by Ethnologue (15)
| OLACname = Name of the language used by OLAC
| WALSname = Name of the language used by WALS
| WALSLoc = Language coordinates used by WALS
| Family = Highest genealogical unit to which the language belongs
| Genus = Lowest genealogical unit to which the language belongs
| Country = Country or countries where the language is spoken
| OfficialLg = Country or countries where the language has official status
| Speakers = Number of speakers
| WritingSyst = Writing system
| ISO = Language code used by ISO 693-1
| ISO2B = Language code used by ISO 693-2/B
| ISO2T = Language code used by ISO 693-2/T
| ISO3 = Language code used by ISO 693-3
| WALScode = Language code used by WALS