Vladimir P. Nedjalkov

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Vladimir Petrovich Nedjalkov (1928, Odessa - 21.07.2009, St.Petersburg) was a prominent Russian scholar in the field of syntactic typology. He was one of the main representatives of the Leningrad/St.Petersburg Typology Group.

His main works are dedicated to German causatives (1971), general typology of causative constructions (1969), voice in Nivkh (1974), general typology of reflexive constructions (1975, 1976, 1978, 1981), general typology of resultative constructions and their relations to passive, perfective and stative constructions (1980, 1983), general typology of non-finite verbal forms (1981), taxis in Evenki (1987), general typology of taxis relations (1987, 2008), general typology of converbs (1990, 1995), as well as general typology of reciprocal constructions (2007).


A comprehensive bibliography of Nedjalkov's works published before 1999 can be found in: Werner Abraham & Leonid Kulikov (eds), Tense-aspect, transitivity and causativity. Essays in honour of Vladimir Nedjalkov (Studies in Language Companion Series; 50). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1999, pp. xix-xxxiii.


  • Vladimir P. Nedjalkov, with the assistance of Emma Š. Geniušienė and Zlatka Guentchéva (eds), Reciprocal constructions. 5 vols. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2007. (Typological studies in language; 71).
